Pismo Beach Directions

Pismo Beach, San Luis Obisp County, California
Pismo Beach, San Luis Obisp County, California

Pismo Beach Directions

map showing the San Luis Obispo County Coast, California

Mileages and Driving Times to Pismo Beach

City Miles Hrs/Mins
Bakersfield 141 2:25
Fresno 143 2:28
Los Angeles 178 2:49
Monterey 154 2:22
Paso Robles 38 0:40
Salinas 136 1:58
San Jose 195 2:43
San Luis Obispo 10 0:11
San Francisco 242 3:31
Santa Barbara 96 1:29
Santa Maria 21 0:24

Directions to Pismo Beach

From the north take Highway 1 south off Highway 101. Taking Pomery west off Highway 1 leads to the Pismo Pier and parking

From the south on Highway 101, take Hinds west and follow it to the pier and parking.