Point Reyes National Seashore Camping
- Off Highway 1, north of Bolinas
- Open sunrise to midnight
- Backcountry camping: (415) 464-5100 x2 x5
- Day-use fees: Free
Hike-in Campgrounds and Facilities
Point Reyes National Seashore has backcountry hike-in and boat-in camping only.
Backcountry campgrounds have vault toilets, picnic table, food storage lockers, charcoal grill, and water faucets. Each campsite is for from 1 to 6 people.
Coast Camp near Sculptured Beach
Close to beach and tide pools, 1.8-mile hike, 12 individual sites and 2 group sites
Glen Camp
In protected redwood valley, 4.6-mile hike, 12 individual sites
Sky Camp
West side of Mt. Wittenberg, 1.4-mile hike, 11 individual sites, 1 group site
Wildcat Camp
Open meadow on bluff overlooking ocean, 6.3-mile hike, 5 individual sites (3 of which only hold 4 people), 3 group sites
Tomales Bay Boat-in Campground
Boat-in only, All waste, including human, must be removed, No water
Fees and Reservations
Individual campsites (1-6 people) $30
Group sites (7-14 people) $90, (15-25 people) $90
Reservations required for all campsites.
Reservations: Recreation.gov - Point Reyes National Seashore Campground
Find the Best Camping in California

Great campgrounds up and down the Northern California coast and all across the state.
Camping at Mt. Tamalpais State Park
- 801 Panoramic Highway, Mill Valley, CA
- Open for day use 7:00 AM to sunset
- (415) 388-2070
- Day-use fees: $8
Campgrounds and Facilities
- Pantoll Campground off the Panoramic Highway
- 15 sites, first come, first served
- Water, restrooms
- Rocky Point/Steep Ravine Environmental Campground, 1 mile south of Stinson Beach
- 7 primitive sites and 9 rustic cabins
- Water, restrooms
- Alice Eastwood Group Camp, Panoramic Highway
- 2 sites for 25-50 people
- Water, restrooms
- Tables, BBQ grills, large tent areas
- Frank Valley Group Horse Camp, Muir Woods road, 1 mile north of Highway 1 at Muir Beach
- 2 sites for 25-50 people
- Water, tables, pit toilets
- Horse troughs and corrals for up to 12 horses
Park Features
- 2,571-foot Mt. Tamalpais and a 6,300-acre park
- Adjacent to Muir Woods National Monument
- Redwood forest, wildlife
- Picnic areas, Visitor Center
- Seasonal refreshment stand
- Huge amphitheater
- 1 campsite at environmental camp
- 1 cabin at Steep Ravine
- Restrooms, picnic areas
- Horse camp
- McKennan Gulch Trail and several others
- Visitor Center and Gravity Car Barn
Pantoll Campground $25
Eastwood Group Sites $110 and $225
Horse Camp $75
Steep Ravine Environmental $25 (cabins $100)
Group and environmental sites only
Online Reservations at ReserveCalifornia:
Mount Tamalpais State Park Campground Reservations
or call (800) 444-PARK (7275) between 8 AM and 6 PM
Samuel P. Taylor State Park Camping
Samuel P. Taylor Park is located 15 miles west of San Rafael on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. The park has wooded countryside in the steep rolling hills with groves of redwoods and open grasslands.
- 59 family campsites and several group campsites
- Of the family sites, 29 are standard sites, 22 are tent-only
- Reservations required during peak seasons for regular sites and year-round for group sites.
- Maximum occupancy for standard campsites is 6 persons.
Campsite Facilities
- Picnic table, fire ring, and BBQ grill
- Food locker
Fees and Reservations
Camping fees $35 (which includes 1 vehicle)
Online Reservations at ReserveCalifornia:
Samuel P. Taylor State Park Campground Reservations
or call (800) 444-PARK (7275) between 8 AM and 6 PM